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Fortepan Masters – Collective Photography in the 20th Century

Fortepan Masters – Collective Photography in the 20th Century
Borító: Fűzött
ISBN: 2109271110253
Kiadás: 1.
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 165*230
Tömeg: 2330 g
Oldalszám: 690
Megjelenés éve: 2021
39 900 Ft
35 910 Ft
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Fortepan Masters – Collective Photography in the 20th Century

The nearly seven hundred-page photo book Fortepan Masters – Collected Photography in the 20th Century – Selected by Szabolcs Barakonyi, inspired by the archives of Fortepan contains 333 Fortepan images. The images in this publication are not based on narratives and do not follow a thematic or chronological system, but rather the fine art and visual aspects dominated the selection and arrangement. The image stream is not broken by captions, we find relatively little text in the book.


Kapcsolódó könyvek

Concrete Architecture

10%28 512 Ft31 680 Ft

Brutalist Japan

10%18 513 Ft20 570 Ft

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