The Age of Stonehenge
The Age of Stonehenge
ISBN: 9781842124321
Méret: 22.9
Oldalszám: 416
Megjelenés éve: 2001
Colin Burgess brings to life the history of Britain and Ireland between 3000 and 1000 BC.
Departing form the traditional Stone, Bronze and Iron terminology, he provides a coherent slice of pre-history in a fresh and accessible way. We get to see and understand the physical characteristics and appearance of the people, their fashions in clothing, ornaments, equipment and weapons, in arts and crafts. He looks at population levels and social and political organization and reveals that these people of over 4000 years ago were much more numerous, organized and technologically skilled than we have been led to think. The range of topics covered is encyclopaedic from early farming techniques to the nature of the houses and struggles with the soil and climate to disease, surgery and boat construction. Illustrated with drawings, plans, maps and photographs, this is the first book to deal with all aspects of this crucial period of prehistory.
Kategória: Művészettörténet, Történelem / kultúrtörténet, Történelem / régészet