The Essential Gombrich
ISBN: 9780714834870
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 172*245
Oldalszám: 624
Megjelenés éve: 1996
The Essential Gombrich
This volume presents an accessible selection of Professor Gombrich's best and most characteristic writing, and introduces the general reader to his ideas and arguments on many fundamental questions. In these meticulously assimilated writings he discusses the nature of representation, the psychology of perception, the interpretation of images, the problems of theory and method, the idea of progress, and symbolism and meaning in art. Professor Gombrich's writings include three major narrative works - The Story of Art, Art and Illusion and The Sense of Order - plus 11 volumes of collected essays and reviews.
This anthology brings together a selection from all these books and in addition six pieces not previously published by Phaidon. It thus introduces the reader to the entire range of Gombrich's thought. Richard Woodfield writes a general introduction, and provides extensive notes and guides to further reading.
Szerkesztő: Woodfiled, Richard
Kategória: Különösen kedvező árú könyvek, Művészettörténet