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Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings

Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings
Borító: Fűzött
ISBN: 9781910350713
Méret: 23
Oldalszám: 160
Megjelenés éve: 2018
7 350 Ft
6 615 Ft
(Bejelentkezés szükséges)
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Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings

Renzo Piano: The Art of Making Buildings accompanies the RA`s illuminating exhibition opening this September, organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London, in collaboration with Renzo Piano Building Workshop and the Fondazione Renzo Piano.

With an introduction featuring an exclusive interview with the architect, in which he shares his professional experience and personal and architectural wisdom.

Over 140 colour illustrations fill this exceptional publication, alongside a series of texts by major figures from the worlds of politics, culture, planning and building such as Sir John Tusa, arts administrator and journalist; Kate Goodwin, Head of Architecture and Drue Heinz Curator at the Royal Academy of Arts; Roberto Benigni, Oscar-winning actor and director; Lorenzo Ciccarelli, architectural historian and author; Luis Fernández-Galiano, Professor at the Technical University of Madrid`s School of Achitecture; Alistair Guthrie, Fellow and Global Sustainable Buildings Design Leader at Arup; Fulvio Irace, Professor of History of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Milan; Lord Rogers of Riverside, Piano`s co-designer of the Centre Georges Pompidou; Susumu Shingu, internationally renowned sculptor and Paul Winkler, former director of the Menil Collection, Houston.

Kiadó: Royal Academy of Arts
Kategória: Építészet

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