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Nomadism in South Asia

Nomadism in South Asia
Borító: Fűzött
ISBN: 9780195698909
Méret: 21.5
Oldalszám: 560
Megjelenés éve: 2008
5 940 Ft
5 346 Ft
(Bejelentkezés szükséges)
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Nomadism in South Asia

South Asia is home to the world`s largest nomadic population. Focusing on nomadic societies in the region, this reader brings together essays, which illustrate how large sections of rural South Asians have long been dynamic, mobile, and resilient. The essays look at a wide variety of ecological, economic, and political settings. They cover three types of nomads--animal husbanders, including hunters and gatherers, peripatetic traders, and entertainers. Treating migration as their core point of reference, the authors cover a wide range of issues and approaches, from historical to contemporary ethnographic perspectives. They also discuss what it means to be nomadic today and the future possibilities for such societies.

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