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Mary Ellen Mark photofile

Mary Ellen Mark photofile
Borító: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780500411254
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 125*190
Tömeg: 250 g
Oldalszám: 144
Megjelenés éve: 2024
6 490 Ft
5 841 Ft
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Mary Ellen Mark photofile

The perfect primer on American photographer Mary Ellen Mark, best known for her photojournalism, documentary photography, portraiture and advertising photography

The work of Mary Ellen Mark (1940–2015) bears witness to her fascination with the human condition and her gift for connecting intimately with her subjects. Skilled at blending into unusual or insular environments, she travelled all over the world and forged a body of work that combined photojournalism with portraiture. From Indian circus performers to American teenagers living on the streets, from Hollywood film sets to inmates in a secure hospital, her photographs are striking for their humanity and empathy.

Kiadó: Thames and Hudson
Sorozat: Photofile
Szerkesztő: Bénichou, Caroline
Kategória: Fotó

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