Hungarian Archeology at the Turn of the Millennium
Hungarian Archeology at the Turn of the Millennium
ISBN: 9799638629189
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 167*232
Oldalszám: 496
Megjelenés éve: 2003
Anyone who sees this richly-illustrated and lavish volume will realise that Hungarian archaeolgy is alive and well at the beginning of the 21st century. Principally aimed at the general reader and supported by countless colour photographs of sites, landscapes, archaeological deposits, finds and skeletons, this book enthusiastically describes the history of Hungarian archaeology, developments in new techniques and the latest discoveries in an archaeological sweep through history that begins in the Ice Age and ends with the Ottoman period. The clearly-structured, informative and thorough narrative guides the reader through research trends, archaeological discoveries and historical phases, such as the domestication of animals, Neolithic beliefs, the introduction of metalworking, the villas of Pannonia, the rich burials of the Migration period, the palaces and churches of kings and the birth of Hungary`s towns. All of the book is in English, making it even more accessible.
Szerkesztő: Visy Zsolt
Kategória: Budapest, Magyarország, Magyar történelem, Történelem