Did you know, too?
Did you know, too?
ISBN: 9789631190298
Kiadás: 2.
Méret: 24
Oldalszám: 40
Megjelenés éve: 2011
On Monday I’ll play at being a post office worker. On Tuesday I’ll play at being a policeman. On Wednesday I`ll play at being a craneman. On Thursday I’ll play at being a children`s doctor. On Friday I’ll play at being retired.
But on Saturday I don’t need to play by myself any longer, because on Saturday everyone has time to play with me, Mummy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Vera. But Sunday is the best day of all, just because it is Sunday. If we go for a walk or an outing I can ask all about what engine drivers, firemen, flower sellers, soldiers, shipmasters, carpenters, bakers and shepherds do. And Mummy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Vera answer all my questions.
Now I really know what grown-ups do.