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Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms

Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms
Borító: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780521016292
Kiadás: 1.
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 151*230
Tömeg: 360 g
Oldalszám: 236
Megjelenés éve: 2002
13 520 Ft
12 168 Ft
(Bejelentkezés szükséges)
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Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms

Bringing Ritual to Mind explores the cognitive and psychological foundations of religious ritual systems. Participants must recall their rituals well enough to ensure a sense of continuity across performances, and those rituals must motivate them to transmit and re-perform them. Most religious rituals the world over exploit either high performance frequency or extraordinary emotional stimulation (but not both) to enhance their recollection (the availability of literacy has little impact on this). But why do some rituals exploit the first of these variables while others exploit the second? McCauley and Lawson advance the ritual form hypothesis, arguing that participants' cognitive representations of ritual form explain why. Reviewing evidence from cognitive, developmental and social psychology and from cultural anthropology and the history of religions, they utilize dynamical systems tools to explain the recurrent evolutionary trajectories religions exhibit.

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Homo ludens

10%4 050 Ft4 499 Ft

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