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Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible, The

Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible, The
Borító: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9781405127202
Méret: 175 * 241
Tömeg: 950 g
Oldalszám: 471
Megjelenés éve: 2004
18 010 Ft
16 209 Ft
(Bejelentkezés szükséges)
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Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible, The

This comprehensive Companion to the Hebrew Bible offers a broad overview and survey of Old Testament study. It consists of newly commissioned articles from an impressive range of top international Old Testament scholars, from the UK, Europe, Canada and the US. The history, archaeology, theology, sociology and ancient Near Eastern context of the Hebrew Bible are all given considerable attention, and by addressing questions of methodology and interpretation the Companion also introduces readers to important issues in the academic study of the Old Testament.The articles are written so as to be accessible to non-specialists whilst also of interest to scholars, since the contributors articulate their own position on their subject. The volume as a whole is introduced by an editorial overview of the discipline, providing the reader with a guide to the interconnections between individual articles. This Companion is an ideal tool for students, not just for use on one course, but over several years of study.

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