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Animal Liberation Now

Animal Liberation Now
Borító: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9781847927774
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 160*230
Tömeg: 450 g
Oldalszám: 348
Megjelenés éve: 2023
7 690 Ft
6 921 Ft
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Animal Liberation Now

Now fully rewritten and entirely updated to reflect the pressing problems of today, Animal Liberation Now presents the definitive case for radically rethinking humanity's relationship with other animals

In 1975, Animal Liberation started a worldwide movement when it revealed the abuse of animals in factory farms and laboratories. In the fifty years since, science has further vindicated Peter Singer's arguments about animal sentience, and the book has helped change the minds of millions.

But the situation for animals has in many ways grown worse.

This revised edition, of which about two-thirds is entirely new, documents these and other developments, such as the impact of meat consumption on climate and the spread of dangerous new viruses. It refines its arguments in light of new evidence, equips the reader with fresh tools and advice, and shows us all the road ahead.


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