The Wild Region in Life-History
The Wild Region in Life-History
ISBN: 9780810116610
Size: 152*230
Weight: 743 g
Page no.: 248
Publish year: 2003
A tour de force by one of Hungary`s most interesting contemporary philosophers The Wild Region in Life-History outlines a phenomenological approach to some of the main topics of theoretical philosophy, such as meaning, sense, temporality, unity of life, narrative history, self-identity, and intersubjectivity, as well as an ethics of alterity. In his investigations, László Tengelyi`s point of departure is a critical examination of what is commonly referred to as "the narrative view of the self," which tends to equate life-history and personal identity. Challenging this view as too one-dimensional and reflective, Tengelyi reveals a hidden area of sense-formation in life-history--an area in which force and meaning do not merely blend but in many ways undermine each other. It is this hidden area that The Wild Region in Life-History describes.
László Tengelyi is a professor of Philosophy at the Bergische Universität-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal in Germany and serves on the editorial board for the journal Husserl Studies. He has published numerous articles in international journals as well as several books in Hungarian.
Géza Kállay is an associate professor in the department of English Studies at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary.