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Suicide - A Study in Sociology

Suicide - A Study in Sociology
Cover: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780415278317
Language: english
Size: 129*198
Weight: 386 g
Page no.: 432
Publish year: 2002
8 140 Ft
7 326 Ft
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Suicide - A Study in Sociology

Cover: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780415278317
Language: english
Size: 129*198
Weight: 386 g
Page no.: 432
Publish year: 2002

There would be no need for sociology if everyone understood the social frameworks within which we operate. That we do have a connection to the larger picture is largely thanks to the pioneering thinker Émile Durkheim. He recognized that, if anything can explain how we as individuals relate to society, then it is suicide: Why does it happen? What goes wrong? Why is it more common in some places than others? In seeking answers to these questions, Durkheim wrote a work that has fascinated, challenged and informed its readers for over a hundred years. Far-sighted and trail-blazing in its conclusions, Suicide makes an immense contribution to our understanding to what must surely be one of the least understandable of acts. A brilliant study, it is regarded as one of the most important books Durkheim ever wrote.


Book I Extra-Social Factors
1.Suicide and Psychopathic States 2.Suicide and normal Psychological Sates-Race Heredity 3.Suicide and Cosmic Factors 4.Imitaion
Book II Social Causes and Social Types
1.How to Determine Social Causes and Social Types 2.Egoistic Suicide 3. Egoistic Suicide (continued, 4.Altruistic Suicide, 5. Anomic Suicide 6.individual Forms of the Different Types of Suicide
Book III General Nature of Suicide as a Social Phenomenon
1.The Social Element of Suicide 2.Relations of Suicide with Other Social Phenomena


Émile Durkheim (1858 - 1917). One of the founding fathers of modern sociology.

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