Rationalism of Georg Lukács, The
16 600 Ft
14 940 Ft
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Rationalism of Georg Lukács, The
I. `To Supervise the Existence of Reason`
1. Introdcution: Language, Science, Reason
2. Lukács`s Ideas on Language
3. Lukács`s Conception of Science
4. Lukács`s Rationalism: In Defence of the Destruction of Reason
II. Problems of Literary History and Aesthetics
5. Art`s Struggle for Freedom: Lukács the Literary Historian
6. Lukács and Fülep: Two Hungarian Critics of Benedetto Croce
7. Lukács and the Art of Film: On a Chapter of the Specificity of the Aesthetic
Publisher: Palgarve Macmillan
Category: Filozófia, Filozófia / 20.-21. század, Filozófia / nyelvfilozófia
Category: Filozófia, Filozófia / 20.-21. század, Filozófia / nyelvfilozófia