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Qur`an, The: The Basics

Qur`an, The: The Basics
Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9780415411639
Size: 19
Page no.: 168
Publish year: 2007
3 540 Ft
3 186 Ft
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Qur`an, The: The Basics

This highly topical new introduction to the holy book of Islam includes essential reference resources such as a chronology of the revelation, weblinks and extensive guides to further reading.

Exploring the Qur`an`s reception through history, its key teachings and its place in contemporary thought and belief, the book analyzes:

the Qur`an as the word of God
its reception and communication by the Prophet Muhammad
the structure and language of the text
conceptions of God, the holy law and jihad
Islamic commentaries on Qur’anic teachings through the ages.
The Qur`an: The Basics is a concise and easy-to-read introduction to the text that provides the foundations of Muslim faith, right-living and daily worship
Publisher: Routledge
Translator: Leaman, Oliver
Category: Vallás / iszlám

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