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The Pursuit of Signs

The Pursuit of Signs
Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9780415253826
Size: 130*198
Weight: 334 g
Page no.: 304
Publish year: 2001
5 540 Ft
4 986 Ft
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The Pursuit of Signs

Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9780415253826
Size: 130*198
Weight: 334 g
Page no.: 304
Publish year: 2001

To gain a deeper understanding of the literary movement that has dominated recent Anglo-American literary criticism, The Pursuit of Signs is a must. In a world increasingly mediated, it offers insights into our ways of consuming texts that are both brilliant and bold. Dancing through semiotics, reader-response criticism, the value of the apostrophe and much more, Jonathan Culler opens up for every reader the closed world of literary criticism. Its impact on first publication, in 1981, was immense; now, as Mieke Bal notes, `the book has the same urgency and acuity that it had then`, though today it has even wider implications: `with the interdisciplinary turn taking hold, literary theory itself, through this book, becomes a much more widespread tool for cultural analysis`.

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