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Philosophy of Modern Music

Philosophy of Modern Music
Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9781474288866
Size: 21.6
Page no.: 200
Publish year: 2016
6 150 Ft
5 535 Ft
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Philosophy of Modern Music

Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9781474288866
Size: 21.6
Page no.: 200
Publish year: 2016
In this classic work of music theory Adorno critiques two major composers, Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky, who he presents as dialectically opposed to one another in terms of their musical styles, techniques and directions. Adorno`s readings, especially of Schoenberg, continue to cause controversy and disagreement among musicians, music lovers and philosophers today. As always with Adorno, a wide range of social cultural, philosophical and political questions are raised in the process of his critique making the reader see the form and function of music in startling new ways. The book also covers other renowned composers including Wagner, Bach and Mozart. This is landmark work of philosophy that has shaped the way we think about music today.

Table of contents
Translators` Introduction


Schoenberg and Progress

Stravinsky and Restoration

Note to the third edition



Theodor W. Adorno (1903-69) was a founder and arguably the foremost thinker of the Frankfurt School. He worked with Max Horkheimer at the New York Institute for Social Research and later taught at the University of Frankfurt until his death in 1969. His work has proved enormously influential in sociology, philosophy and cultural theory.
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Series: Bloomsbury Revelations
Category: Filozófia / esztétika, Zene

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