Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science, The
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Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science, The
Readers are introduced to major areas of the discussion by the best-known authorities in each field
Includes coverage of all the major fields of science, all the major subfields of science-and-religion, and all the major world religions
Particular focus on the debate between naturalism and supernaturalism, including important new work by philosophers and social scientists
The field of `religion and science` is exploding in popularity among academics as well as the general reading public. Spawning an increasing number of conferences and courses, this field has shown an unprecedented rate of growth in recent years. Here for the first time is a single-volume introduction to the debate, written by the leading experts. Making no pretence to encyclopaedic neutrality, each chapter defends a major intellectual position - at the heart of the book is a series of `pro` and `con` papers, covering each of the current `hot topics` (such as evolution versus creation, naturalism versus the supernatural). In addition to treatments of questions of methodology and implications for life and practice, the Handbook includes sections devoted to the major scientific disciplines, the major world religions, and the main sub-disciplines in this exciting and ever-expanding field of study.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Editor: Clayton, Philip
Category: Természettudomány, Filozófia / vallásfilozófia
Editor: Clayton, Philip
Category: Természettudomány, Filozófia / vallásfilozófia