Leonardo Da Vinci: The Complete Paintings
ISBN: 9783836569828
Size: 240*327
Weight: 2320 g
Page no.: 272
Publish year: 2003
Leonardo Da Vinci: The Complete Paintings
In this magnificent book, Pietro Marani, the director of the project to restore Leonardo`s Last Supper, presents all the artist`s known paintings. The history and significance of each are analysed at length: we read, for example, that "from a very early date", Mona Lisa was considered among Leonardo`s most extraordinary accomplishments, one that made every other artist "tremble and lose heart". Context is provided by a wealth of related paintings and sketches. The presentation is extravagant: double-foldouts show frescoes in their entirety, and small areas are hugely expanded to give access to a world of sensuous detail. The intimacy of these extreme details--a tiny blue landscape glimpsed through a window, or the warm flesh of a baby`s foot resting on its mother`s arm--is unexpected and one of the book`s many successes.