Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science
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Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science
Cover: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780801487859
Size: 23.2
Page no.: 227
Publish year: 2002
The Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno was a notable supporter of the new science that arose during his lifetime; his role in its development has been debated ever since the early seventeenth century. Hilary Gatti here reevaluates Brunos contribution to the scientific revolution, in the process challenging the view that now dominates Bruno criticism among English-language scholars. This argument, associated with the work of Frances Yates, holds that early modern science was impregnated with and shaped by Hermetic and occult traditions, and has led scholars to view Bruno primarily as a magus. ISBN: 9780801487859
Size: 23.2
Page no.: 227
Publish year: 2002
Gatti reinstates Bruno as a scientific thinker and occasional investigator of considerable significance and power whose work participates in the excitement aroused by the new science and its methods at the end of the sixteenth century. Her original research emphasizes the importance of Brunos links to the magnetic philosophers, from Ficino to Gilbert; Brunos reading and extension of Copernicuss work on the motions of the earth; the importance of Brunos mathematics; and his work on the art of memory seen as a picture logic, which she examines in the light of the crises of visualization in present-day science. She concludes by emphasizing Brunos ethics of scientific discovery.
Publisher: Cornell University Press
Category: Filozófia / középkor, Természettudomány, Történelem / tudománytörténet
Category: Filozófia / középkor, Természettudomány, Történelem / tudománytörténet