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Eclipse of Reason

Eclipse of Reason
Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9781780938189
Size: 138*216
Weight: 194 g
Page no.: 144
Publish year: 2013
7 110 Ft
6 399 Ft
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Eclipse of Reason

Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9781780938189
Size: 138*216
Weight: 194 g
Page no.: 144
Publish year: 2013
In his most important work, Max Horkheimer surveys and demonstrates the gradual ascendancy of Reason in Western philosophy, its eventual total application to all spheres of life, and what he considers its present reified domination. First published in 1947, Horkheimer here explores the ways in Nazism - that most irrational of political movements - had co-opted ideas of rationality for its own ends. Ultimately, the book is a warning of the ways this might happen again and, as such, this is a book that has never appeared more timely.

Table of contents
I. Means and Ends \\ II. Conflicting Panaceas \\ III. The Revolt of Nature \\ IV. Rise and Decline of the Individual \\ V. On the Concept of Philosophy \\ Index.

Max Horkheimer, founder and long-time director of the famous Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, was professor emeritus of philosophy and sociology at the University of Frankfurt until his death in 1973. He is one of the founders of the Frankfurt School.

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