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Critique of Instrumental Reason

Critique of Instrumental Reason
Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9781781680230
Size: 129 * 197
Weight: 272 g
Page no.: 180
Publish year: 2013
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Critique of Instrumental Reason

Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9781781680230
Size: 129 * 197
Weight: 272 g
Page no.: 180
Publish year: 2013

The twentieth century triumph of the state-bureaucratic apparatus
These essays, written between 1949 and 1967, focus on a single theme: the triumph in the twentieth century of the state-bureaucratic apparatus and `instrumental reason` and the concomitant liquidation of the individual and the basic social institutions and relationships associated with the individual.

Publisher: Verso
Series: Radical Thinkers
Category: Filozófia, Szociológia, Történelem

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