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The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation

The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation
Cover: Fűzött
ISBN: 9780521485937
Size: 152*228
Weight: 520 g
Page no.: 354
Publish year: 2008
12 270 Ft
11 043 Ft
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The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation

This book provides the first complete guide for students to the present state of biblical studies. The twenty-one specially commissioned chapters are written by established scholars from North America and Britain, and represent both traditional and contemporary points of view. The chapters in Part One cover all the methods and approaches currently practised in the academic study of the Bible, while those in Part Two examine the major categories of books in the Bible from the perspective of recent scholarship - e.g. historical books of the Old Testament, Gospels, prophetic literature. Major issues raised are: the relation of modern ‘critical’ study of the Bible to ‘pre-critical’ and ‘post-critical’ approaches; the place of history in the study of the Bible; feminist, liberationist and new historicist concerns; the relation of Christian and Jewish scholarship; and recent interest in the Bible as literature.

• Up-to-date survey of the present state of biblical studies • All authors are experts in their own field and have all made their own original contribution to biblical studies • Every book in the Bible is commented on • Both traditional and contemporary points of view are represented

Notes on contributors; Glossary; 1. Introduction John Barton; Part I. Lines of Approach: 2. Historical-critical approaches John Barton; 3. Literary readings of the Bible David Jasper; 4. The social world of the Bible Keith W. Whitelam; 5. Poststructuralist approaches: new historicism and postmodernism Robert P. Carroll; 6. Political readings of scripture Tim Gorringe; 7. Feminist interpretation Ann Loades; 8. Biblical studies and theoretical hermeneutics Anthony Thiselton; 9. The Bible and Christian theology Robert Morgan; 10. Biblical study and linguistics William Johnstone; 11. Aspects of the Jewish contribution to biblical interpretation Stefan C. Reif; 12. The Bible in literature and art Stephen Prickett; Part II. Biblical Books in Modern Interpretation: 13. The Pentateuch Joseph Blenkinsopp; 14. The historical books of the Old Testament Iain Provan; 15. The prophetic books Robert R. Wilson; 16. The poetic and wisdom books Robert Alter; 17. The synoptic Gospels and Acts of the Apostles: telling the Christian story Pheme Perkins; 18. John and the Johannine literature: the woman at the well John Ashton; 19. The Pauline letters James D. G. Dunn; 20. The non-Pauline letters Frances Young; 21. Apocalyptic literature James VanderKam; General Index; Index of biblical references.

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