Badiou Dictionary, The
Badiou Dictionary, The
ISBN: 9780748640966
Size: 23.7
Page no.: 426
Publish year: 2014
The first dictionary dedicated to Badiou`s work, bringing together over 35 leading scholars. Badiou`s work has an incredible breadth of engagement, and has caused a worldwide stir in academic and non-academic circles. The 200 entries in this dictionary give expert insights into his work while also reflecting the crucial divergences in Badiou scholarship in a productive and enlightening way. 150 main entries look at Badiou`s ideas and influences, from `capital/ism (parliamentarocapitalism)` and `equality` to `transcendental regime` and `void (unicity)` A further 50 linking entries link lesser concepts and figures to wider concepts in Badiou`s thought Includes an introduction to using the dictionary and to Badiou`s body of work, and a bibliography of further reading Perfect for readers of any level, whether as an introduction to his ideas or for explication of one of his more complex concepts