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politikai filozófia

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Total: 220 items

Milyen Magyarország? Milyen Európa? - Magyar politikai gondolkodók 1900-1945

10%3 780 Ft4 200 Ft

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The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy

10%22 158 Ft24 620 Ft

Revolutions at the Gates – Selected Writings of Lenin from 1917

10%5 778 Ft6 420 Ft

Governmentality: Current Issues and Future Challenges

10%15 741 Ft17 490 Ft

Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought, The

10%10 728 Ft11 920 Ft

Oxford Handbook of Political Theory, The

10%16 497 Ft18 330 Ft

Plato 2 - Ethics, Politics, Religion, and the Soul

10%13 851 Ft15 390 Ft

The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes`s Leviathan

10%10 953 Ft12 170 Ft

Globalization of Ethics, The - Religious and Secular Perspectives

10%5 049 Ft5 610 Ft

L´averroismo in età moderna (1400-1700)

10%7 650 Ft8 500 Ft

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The Cambridge Companion to Machiavelli

10%9 495 Ft10 550 Ft

politikum filozófiája, A - Bence György-emlékkönyv

10%2 205 Ft2 450 Ft

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Three Early Modern Utopias

10%2 790 Ft3 100 Ft

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Comparative fascist studies

10%6 831 Ft7 590 Ft

Hannah Arendt and the Uses of History - Imperialism, Nation, Race and Genocide

10%6 300 Ft7 000 Ft

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Kortárs republikanizmus - Politikafilozófiai írások

10%3 321 Ft3 690 Ft

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Total: 220 items

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