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Political Theory of the Digital Age - Where Artificial Intelligence Might Take Us

Political Theory of the Digital Age - Where Artificial Intelligence Might Take Us
Borító: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9781009255196
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 153*228
Tömeg: 490 g
Oldalszám: 400
Megjelenés éve: 2023
14 510 Ft
13 059 Ft
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Political Theory of the Digital Age - Where Artificial Intelligence Might Take Us

With the rise of far-reaching technological innovation, from artificial intelligence to Big Data, human life is increasingly unfolding in digital lifeworlds. While such developments have made unprecedented changes to the ways we live, our political practices have failed to evolve at pace with these profound changes. In this path-breaking work, Mathias Risse establishes a foundation for the philosophy of technology, allowing us to investigate how the digital century might alter our most basic political practices and ideas.

Risse engages major concepts in political philosophy and extends them to account for problems that arise in digital lifeworlds including AI and democracy, synthetic media and surveillance capitalism and how AI might alter our thinking about the meaning of life. Proactive and profound, Political Theory of the Digital Age offers a systemic way of evaluating the effect of AI, allowing us to anticipate and understand how technological developments impact our political lives – before it's too late.

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