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Negotiations, 1972-1990

Negotiations, 1972-1990
Borító: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780231075817
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 153*229
Tömeg: 348 g
Oldalszám: 221
Megjelenés éve: 1997
10 370 Ft
9 333 Ft
A kedvezményes árak kizárólag a webshopunkon keresztül leadott megrendelésekre érvényesek!

Negotiations, 1972-1990

Negotiations traces the intellectual journey of a man widely acclaimed as one of the most important French philosphers. A provocative guide to Deleuze by Deleuze, the collection clarifies the key critical concepts in the work of this vital figure in contemporary philosphy, who has had a lasting impact on a variety of disciplines, including aesthetics, film theory, psycho-analysis, and cultural studies.Gilles Deleuze

Gilles Deleuze's (1925-1995) many books include The Logic of Sense, Difference and Repetition, and, with Felix Guattari, What Is Philosophy?, all published in translation by Columbia.

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