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Medieval Philosophy : A history of philosophy without any gaps, Volume 4

Medieval Philosophy : A history of philosophy without any gaps, Volume 4
Borító: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780192856739
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 160*240
Tömeg: 849 g
Oldalszám: 637
Megjelenés éve: 2019
5 870 Ft
5 283 Ft
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Medieval Philosophy : A history of philosophy without any gaps, Volume 4

Peter Adamson presents a lively introduction to six hundred years of European philosophy, from the beginning of the ninth century to the end of the fourteenth century. The medieval period is one of the richest in the history of philosophy, yet one of the least widely known. Adamson introduces us to some of the greatest thinkers of the Western intellectual tradition, including Peter Abelard, Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, William of Ockham,
and Roger Bacon. And the medieval period was notable for the emergence of great women thinkers, including Hildegard of Bingen, Marguerite Porete, and Julian of Norwich. Original ideas and arguments were developed in every branch of philosophy during this period - not just philosophy of religion and
theology, but metaphysics, philosophy of logic and language, moral and political theory, psychology, and the foundations of mathematics and natural science.

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