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Bruce Gilden photofile

Bruce Gilden photofile
Borító: Ragasztott
ISBN: 9780500411261
Nyelv: angol
Méret: 125*190
Tömeg: 250 g
Oldalszám: 144
Megjelenés éve: 2024
6 480 Ft
5 832 Ft
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Bruce Gilden photofile

A concise introduction to American street photographer Bruce Gilden, best known for his candid close-up photographs of people on the streets of New York City

Bruce Gilden was born in 1946 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. After taking photography classes at the School of Visual Arts, he embarked on his first major project: recording tourists and pleasure-seekers visiting Coney Island. Gilden is probably best known for his work on the streets of New York, focusing on the city’s characters and outsiders, but he has also spent many years on projects in Haiti, Japan and Ireland. A member of Magnum Photos since 2001, Gilden has taken the genre of street photography and pushed it in new directions, documenting the essence of the people he sees and the social landscape through which they move.


Kiadó: Thames and Hudson
Sorozat: Photofile
Szerkesztő: Koetzle, Hans-Michael
Kategória: Fotó, Új könyvek

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